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Pragmatic Enterprise Roadmap Delivery

How we do it

We believe that the components of the high level roadmap (HLR) are derived from the Strategy to Technology (S2T) map which provides an indication of the ICT capabilities and improvements required to support both the IT and the wider organisational transformation programme. The HLR also provides a view of the steps and timescales necessary to transform the use of ICT within the organisation and to ensure that it continues to support and aligns to the organisation’s aims and objectives.
The timescales and priorities will be conditioned by the availability of resource and the capacity for change within the organisation and so there is always the risk that the organisation attempts too much change and as such our high level plan will construct a realistic programme of change based on 4 stages of Stabilise, Consolidate, Embed and Exploit. This will ensure that sufficient focus is dedicated to establishing the pre-requisite capabilities of change that are presented on the Strategy to Technology alignment model. We follow a very pragmatic approach towards technology and process modernisation through demonstrating a Summary of current organisations challenges through to how they would want to deliver their current and future business goals by engaging in:

Mobilisation and Information Gathering

Business Cases Creation

Reviews and Decision Making